Forico manages approximately 77,000 hectares of native vegetation areas for conservation including natural forest and grasslands. These have intrinsic value from an environmental, cultural and social perspective and some are identified as having High Conservation Values.
We are committed to the maintenance and/or enhancement of these areas to provide sustainable forest outcomes, through many practices.
Forico monitors threatened flora and fauna, engaging independent ecological experts and following their recommendations to enhance or preserve the native vegetation.
On the highland Poa grasslands found in the Surrey Hills area of our estate in northwest Tasmania, we have over recent years conducted an ecological burn program to maintain and/or enhance wildlife habitats and valuable ecosystems.
In 2022 Forico was awarded Ecosystem Services certification by the Forest Stewardship CouncilĀ® Australia New Zealand (FSCĀ® ANZ), the first forest manager in Australia to be recognised in this way.
Images below taken on the Forico native vegetation estate. From left to right:
The rare Crowded leek-orchid, Paraprasophyllum crebriflorum
The Ptunarra-Brown butterfly, Oreixenica ptunarra
The spotted quoll, Dasyurus maculatus