Natural Capital Report

Forico has released a world-leading and Australian first Natural Capital Report, setting a benchmark for business and industry in environmental stewardship and corporate sustainability reporting.

Our inaugural 2020 Natural Capital Report and our second 2021 Natural Capital Report places a dollar value on the ecological assets under Forico’s custodianship, which provide social and economic benefits outside immediate high quality fibre production.

These ecological assets include such things as carbon sequestration, water filtration and providing habitat for biodiversity.

Forico believes we have a positive role to play in enhancing our knowledge of climate change impacts and to support greater climate resilience in our economy, environment, and society.

As a custodian of the natural environment, trusted to protect our natural resources for future generations, we are committed to understanding the value of the lands we manage and our impacts on the natural world, which has driven our Natural Capital Reporting journey.

Before you read our Natural Capital Report, it is worth watching this short video we have created, which provides a simple explanation of Natural Capital Reporting and what it means.

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